Wallpaper has so much potential to add to the interest and over all ‘darling’ look of your home. But we know a lot of people get a little scared when we speak about it – will still like it next week? How much will it cost to put up? Won’t it peel? Well it’s certainly true that there’s a time and a place for of wallpaper in your home and it’s not feature walls!
Wallpaper can be a game changer if done right. I personally prefer small patterns that blend into the background, catching your attention on the second glance.

A small, botanical pattern can open up a narrow space, while vertical stripes can make a room feel taller. Consider patterns that are part stripe and part botanical for a unique touch. Textured wallpaper is also currently trending, with seagrass and sisal options adding warmth and elegance to any room.
In my opinion, the best rooms for wallpaper are
- Bedrooms – Calm colours and use of texture make bedrooms feel luxurious
- Hallways – go bold to open up a space
- Downstairs toilets, WCs, Powder rooms – make this small room feel special! Go dark even and play with scale.
- Children’s bedrooms – nooks and ceilings and hidden little spaces are great!
- Loft rooms – include your sloped ceilings!
Consider wallpapering nooks, the backs of built-ins, or shelving for smaller projects.
If you want to see some of my favourites at the moment you can find a special download dedicated to just that HERE.

Did you know? Wallpaper can be used in bathrooms, just make sure to seal it with decorators varnish or polyurethane. Consider using wallpaper in high traffic areas for a bold statement, but remember to protect it from scuffs and knocks.
Treat wallpaper like a delicious dessert – best enjoyed in small doses and in rooms where you won’t spend a lot of time, ensuring it always feels like a special treat.
Listen to our full podcast all about wallpaper here.